The Ghosts of Ravencrest: CHRISTMAS SPIRITS Buy Now at Amazon


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Installment 1
Installment 2
Installment 3
Installment 5
Installment 6
Installment 7
Installment 8

The Ghosts of Ravencrest #4: Christmas Spirits 

Horror for the Holidays

The Manning children, Thad and Cynthia, have asked their father for a Christmas story from Ravencrest’s past. Eric Manning is reluctant to spill the manor’s horrific secrets to his kids, but as Dickens proved with A Christmas Carol, Yuletide is a time for ghosts, and perhaps the Manning children are ready for the truth about their home. Or some of it, at least... 

You’ve Met Them in Death; Now Meet Them in Life 

London, 1788. When tragedy strikes at the Frost Fair, Edward and Alice Manning return with their children to Ravencrest Manor, where their son can be tended to by their own family doctor, Bran Lanval. But curses and spells have been cast and witchcraft is afoot. When Edward’s younger brother, Thomas, rides to join them for lavish Christmas parties, not everything is merry and bright on the heath. As the year draws to a close, the ghosts of Ravencrest silently watch, waiting for Death to arrive at the dance. 


Christmas Spirits can be read as a stand-alone novella, but it is also the fourth installment of the gothic serial thriller, The Ghosts of Ravencrest. You can get the first three installments of the series in one specially-priced omnibus: The Ghosts of Ravencrest: Darker Shadows.

The Ghosts of Ravencrest is a serialized horror novel. New installments are scheduled to be released every four to six weeks.


“The Ghosts of Ravencrest: Christmas Spirits is riveting. The characters are wonderful, the subplots are perfect, and the setting is stunning and well-researched. This series is like a roller coaster that goes up and up - the Mannings are literary gold.” 
-QL Pearce, bestselling author of Scary Stories for Sleep-Overs